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I grew up reading books like The Babysitter Club and The Boxcar Kids. Now I read Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian and any mixture of these all depending on what my mood is. I love Stephen King, Michael Connolly, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs and many others.

Shrinking Violet

Shrinking Violet - Danielle Joseph I absolutely loved this! I had a really hard time putting this down until I read every last word! Tere is such a great character who is so shy, people think she's deaf and mute. But her dream is to be a DJ, where speaking is pretty essential. I was pretty shy in high school, not quite as bad as Tere, but I was able to really identify with her and what she felt when it came to talking to or in front of people. I knew what she was going through and was excited when she pulled through.

I am not a fan of rap or the music that Tere listens to. While it plays a huge role for the book, it doesn't come up in a way that had me rolling my eyes or anything. It was important, but in the background. I really liked watching Sweet T come into her own when offered the chance at spreading her wings a bit and shining.

I'm not going to lie, I loved the whole idea behind this even if Tere didn't. I really had hoped for the best with the contest. It's a huge deal for Tere, who has had control ripped from her when it came to Prom. Loved the contest and loved the ending. It was brilliant and romantic and gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling on the inside. This needs to be on your to be read list, wishlist or buy list!