How the mighty has fallen! I liked the twist to the story in this follow up in the Immortalis series. This kept me entertained all the way through the book. I think this should be a very interesting story for future books in this series and I'm interested to see what becomes of the Acta Sanctorum.
I didn't think I would, but I liked the fact that Alyssa feeds only on bad guys. I'm not usually fond of vampires killing their meals, but I found this worked for me. I found Alyssa's will to not harm the innocent to be a great characteristic and shows her to be strong willed, not only to her mate, but to herself as well.
I would have liked to have seen Alyssa grow a bit more as a vampire (ie, training) but the author seems to have this in the bag for later and I'm excited to see the vampire that Alyssa could be.