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I grew up reading books like The Babysitter Club and The Boxcar Kids. Now I read Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian and any mixture of these all depending on what my mood is. I love Stephen King, Michael Connolly, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs and many others.

Pride and Passion

Pride and Passion - Jenna Bayley-Burke I wasn't so sure about this starting out. The hero of this story seemed cold and aloof, only wanting Lily as a trophy wife. It took a while for the character to really shine, but I'm sure this was the intentions of the author. I was glad to see it come around to the point where I was hoping they would get together instead of just hoping that Lily would stick to her guns and keep the man at bay.

The story was a good one, very interesting, to see how one recovers from having the world they knew shattered. It was well written and I will have to try out more from this author.