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I grew up reading books like The Babysitter Club and The Boxcar Kids. Now I read Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian and any mixture of these all depending on what my mood is. I love Stephen King, Michael Connolly, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs and many others.

Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins This just might be my favorite YA this year. Possibly my favorite up to date. I couldn't help but be pulled in by the story and I couldn't put it down until it was finished. The writing was fantastic.

Perkins has given her characters a human feel. Neither are perfect while the other struggles. They both struggle and they both make mistakes and they both are pulled in by an unseen force. Amazing. It was just amazing. I usually find that the guy in most romances one character is just near perfect while the other can do no right. I loved how they were both able to make mistakes, both realize it (later, of course) and both able to work to correct those mistakes. Neither was perfect and it really made the characters come to life.

I don't know why I didn't grab this the minute it came out. I've read reviews from other bloggers that said pretty much the same thing. It was fantastic, couldn't put it down, favorite book, and the writing was wonderful. Now that I've gotten to experience the book for myself, I whole heartily agree! This book was phenomenal in every way.