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I grew up reading books like The Babysitter Club and The Boxcar Kids. Now I read Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian and any mixture of these all depending on what my mood is. I love Stephen King, Michael Connolly, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs and many others.

A Little Harmless Pleasure

A Little Harmless Pleasure - Melissa Schroeder I liked this well enough, but I don't particularly care for dommes, but I enjoyed the story and I enjoyed watching Cynthia overcome her obstacles with her family. I liked the growth of the character and thought her and Christ were perfect for each other.

I'm not sure I liked the switch thing. I kept waiting for Christ to take over. But I liked the scenes and thought they were well written, even if it wasn't really what I wanted. I really like Melissa's writing and while I don't normally go for dommes, I enjoyed her book all the same. I think she's a great writer and I definitely look forward to continuing this series!