I liked this better than I thought I would. I was wondering how it would turn out, I had a hard time imagining what would happen but in the end I found it enjoyable. While I enjoyed it, it felt terribly short. The ending felt rushed, but over all I liked the writing. It may not have been as steamy as I normally would like, but it told a good story.
Sometimes in stories I feel like love is rushed. This was no different. Both parties, it seemed like love at first sight. I don't believe in love at first sight. Lust, yes. Love, no. So it was harder to believe that they fell in love with each other without really knowing who each other were. That and the shortness were the only things that bugged me about this novel.
I like McKenzie's writing. I will continue on in the series, I have read some of her other stuff and look forward to more on this. I still prefer Cherise Sinclair's Masters of the Shadowlands series, since it is more in depth and has more time to develop the characters. But this was a nice short story that can be read in one sitting. Just don't look for too much depth from it.