Highly enjoying. Very different from what I thought it was going to be. After I got about three chapters in I started to ask myself what took me so long to pick this one up. I liked how the world was set up. The pathways with the faeries made it really interesting in how the IPCA travels around the world.
What I liked, and didn't like at the same time, was that the author wasn't afraid to write this in a way where everyone survived. Sometimes I get pulled down with some YA novels where everyone is alive in the end despite such odds. It takes it from being in a true fantasy world and bring it to life a little better.
Evie was like a kid in a candy store for some of these scenes and I thought it was really endearing. How the simplest of things we take for granted, she was excited for. Even better, was David. How awesome was Lend's dad in all this?! While he didn't have a big role in this, I hope to see more of him in the next though.
I really liked the narration. I thought the author did a great job with her writing and telling the story. The romance elements didn't get in the way of the story and vice versa. Nothing was drowned out while something overpowered everything else.