I'm glad I stuck with this series, I think they are getting better with each book. The more I read about Val and her demon, Lola, the more I understand and like Val. I'm happy with the resolution of Dan, since I like Shade better, but I did find it a bothersome when Val kept referring to Dan as her ex-boyfriend, when they weren't really together in the first place.
In this one, we see Val work with both the vamps and the Demon Underground. While I liked the storyline there, I'm still hoping that Val does go back to the SCU. I really liked that angle in the first book, although with this ending, I'm not sure if that will happen. But I do have to say, that the ending to this book let the story wide open for the next book, which should be very promising.
Again, I have to add a warning to parents. With the adult content in this I would really suggest 17+ for the content. While it wasn't as bad in this one, there is still some suggestive scenes in this.