This was pretty neat. I actually read this on the way home from the UK (with a side trip to Paris) so I was able to relate to Ginny as she explored a few of these places. Not a lot, but her first three stops were where we went, so I thought it was cool that I had seen what she did. So I had thought it was pretty cool that I waited to have read it.
The story was interesting, even if a bit sad and depressing. Ginny meets a whole slew of people on her journey to do what is in the envelopes but with only one character that really sticks along for the ride. I would have liked to have seen more of Richard though. We really don't get to see justice done to this character in the first book.
I did enjoy it, but I also have to admit it I didn't fall in love with it as much as a lot of other people. I enjoyed it, but I probably won't be rereading this one. The story, in the end, just isn't a happy one. It does revolve around the death of her aunt, so it's to be expected.