I loved the first book and was wondering how this would be. Well, I loved it. I thought it was a perfect second book and it continued the story well. Kat is just a great character and you can't help but love her. I love her need to right wrongs and not to steal from the good guys. It was interesting to see her on the other end of things in this book, and all the trouble she goes through to try and set things right. She's got a good head on her shoulders that really makes the story shine. And then there's Hale. Who couldn't resist him?
This is one of the best series I have picked up. What I love about it is it is so different from all the other YA novels out there. Not paranormal, but not ordinary either. There is such potential in this series. Take, for instance, the Cleopatra Emerald. It made for such a great story; a lot of mishaps, heartache, and adventure.
I actually listened to the audiobook and I was completely captivated as I listened to the narrator tell the story. I don't often do audiobooks, I prefer to have the real thing, but I have grown to love audiobooks when I can actually sit and read. And this is one of the better narrated books I have listened too! Angela Dawe was spectacular. She had such a range of accents and voices for all the characters that at time I forgot there was only one reader. It really helped to bring Ally Carter's characters to life. This is definitely an audiobook worth looking into!
This is a series I'm really excited to see more in. I love the idea of the series and I think there are more great novels to come from Ally Carter and her Heist Society characters.