I don't know why I waited so long to get to the second book. The first was amazing, the second is just as great! I love this series so far. So different and unique that it's so much fun to delve into this world and get lost in such great characters.
In case you don't know, I love the souls. They crack me up! They are always seeming to cause Aden problems, headache and heartache. They keep Dan thinking he's not as okay as Aden tries to make him seem and they don't give Aden any sort of peace. But it makes for some great entertainment. I like that Aden has to speak out loud to them. Makes things tricky when he's around others and the souls are wanting answers.
Aden is a vampire king. I didn't think the ending of the last one would lead to anything that is actually in this book. Holy cow! I loved how Gena Showalter crafted this story. So much happens that left my head spinning with all sorts of possibilities. The twist with the vampires (you won't know unless you read the book) was a brilliant move on Gena Showalter's part. At first, I wasn't so sure, then after a big fight scene, I thought it was absolutely brilliant.
This is just a well crafted young adult novel. It was just a such a great read, I was glued to the book until the very last word. This is a must read. Run, won't walk, to your nearest bookstore!