I'm a big fan of novels like this, where there are slight cases of the paranormal, in the form of psychics. Dale Meyer's Tuesday's Child was riveting until the very last page. Sam's life was heartbreaking and although I don't know what it's like to be in her position, I still felt for her and connected with her. I'm pretty excited about reading more in this series.
I don't read too many crime novels these days. But Tuesday's Child reminds me of what I'm missing. I loved the mystery, I loved all the twists Dale Meyer's threw out at the reader. When I thought I had it all figured out, something changed and I was left guessing all over again. Sam's kind of psychic talents was shocking. It made the story very intriguing and kept me reading, hoping that Sam would find some peace.
This promises to be the start of a very riveting series. While Sam's story appears to be done, we will get to meet whole new characters and get swept away in another thriller.