I loved this book for a lot of reasons. One, is that I think Mandy Hubbard is an absolute genius. Two, it's not in a series. I really love coming across these novels where I can read the whole book and not have to wait for the next one to come out. While I have my favorite series out there and tons of people are putting out trilogies, I really look forward to the books, like Ripple.
I loved the story. I am really getting into these more unusual paranormal young adult novels. Lexi is a siren. I haven't read a whole lot with sirens, and I loved how this was different and stood out. The book was very gripping, I couldn't put it down for anything! Obviously I couldn't imagine the pain and loneliness that Lexi has lived with, but I was able to connect with her and from the very beginning.
Lexi's such a strong character, who is able to take torment from her peers and even from herself and still manage to keep her head up high. At least when anyone is looking. My heart ached for Lexi as I saw how far she's fallen. I don't know how many times I found myself on the verge of tears because of her story. Brilliantly done. And Cole, well, he's just the icing on the cake. I really loved how he reached out, took a risk (and it was) to befriend Lexi. Very well done.
We learn so much in this book and it keeps you guessing. I didn't see the ending coming. At all. I was completely broadsided and loved it. I was glued to the pages, anxious to see how it all would turn out. It was excellent writing right up to the very last word. Again, Mandy Hubbard = Genius. I must insist that everyone pick this up. Because it's amazing. Incredible.