I was pretty excited about this one with all the hype about it before it released and after. I had sat on it for a while before finally buying my own copy and digging in. While I still enjoyed the story, I was a little let down because I had expected this hugely creepy, amazing story would unfold. Not so much creepy, though. Normally I'm not a fan of the creepy stuff, but I had gone into this one wanting it to be much more scary than it was.
The story was still really interesting, though. I enjoyed it and was still invested when I turned the last page. Cas is an interesting guy. Most YA books aren't narrated by a guy and I really liked the change of pace. I'm not sure I really ever liked Carmel and her crowd, but I did end up liking her by the end of the book.
Anna. This was what drew me in. While I wanted more scary ghostness from her, I still really liked her story. It's not pretty (obviously) and I hadn't seen it coming when we learn why she's haunting her house instead of having moved on.
I'm still glad I read it. I'm excited to read on and learn more about Cas and all stuff that was kept from him. It did leave off with lots of unanswered questions and one heck of a cliffhanger, but surprisingly, I was okay with that. It makes me eager to get my hands on the next one.