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I grew up reading books like The Babysitter Club and The Boxcar Kids. Now I read Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian and any mixture of these all depending on what my mood is. I love Stephen King, Michael Connolly, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs and many others.

The Fine Art of Truth or Dare

The Fine Art of Truth or Dare - Melissa Jensen This showed up on my doorstep and I couldn't help but rip open the packaging like it was Christmas morning. The cover is beyond adorable and I couldn't wait to dig in. The first few pages had me confused. I had read the description and had instantly fallen in lust and needed to have it. I was wondering who this Willing guy was. As I figured it out, I was laughing. That would be something I would totally do.

I loved Ella and her friends and family. I wasn't expecting her physical and emotional scars, but I think it brought so much more to the story than if she were just a quiet, shy girl. Frankie had my rolling in parts. He's the kind of guy I wished I was friends with in school. Ella, Frankie and Sadie complemented each other perfectly.

Because of the hierarchy of the student body, I think Melissa Jensen threw these two together perfectly. It wasn't just something out of the blue and it was something that required Ella to move out of her shell a bit and basically to grit her teeth and bare it. I think that was what I really liked about the beginning of the book. Ella has a crush on the guy, but at the same time, knows that whatever happens might not be a good thing so she tries to save herself some humiliation. Thankfully, she doesn't get her way. I really liked Alex and I thought they were both good for each other.

Ella's family is great. We see both Frankie and Sadie's family. All three families differ and I can see how much Ella's family rallies behind her no matter what. They all have their different ideas on what would make Ella feel beautiful, and their love shows through every minute. I love how much they embrace Sadie and Frankie as if they were family too.

While I try to get away from rambling about how great this book is, I highly recommend this book. It has so much going on, it blends together perfectly. The Fine Art of Truth or Dare was a book that I didn't want to put down until I had read and devoured every last word. Take a chance. Dare yourself to read it and see for yourself.