I really liked this sequel. While it had been a while since I read the first book, I still enjoyed this one and was able to pick it up and not get lost in the story. I had forgotten about what had happened at the end of the last book with Narian, but it quickly came back as the story started. In this, I found myself not so much being on Narian's side when it came to Alera, but I actually started to hope she would fall in love with her new husband and king, Steldor. I found him much more honorable than I had in the first book. It may have been because we really only see the cocky side of him and I had worries about him as King, but truly, Cayla Kluver has created such a character to make me change my mind on him.
This had me on the edge of my seat. The battle that threatened in the first is unleashed in this. There were parts I had to wonder if any of my favorite characters would come out alive. I had hoped, but nothing seemed certain. Kluver wove her story well to keep the suspense high during the battle. The strength Alera had in this made the ending. It truly did.
One of the things I like most about this is the fantasy setting. I like the time period, it lends itself well to the story. I get lost in the story of the Kingdoms and the culture that is brought out in the book. This is a series I want to revisit. Especially to get ready for the next book. It promises to bring us a story even better than the first two.