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I grew up reading books like The Babysitter Club and The Boxcar Kids. Now I read Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian and any mixture of these all depending on what my mood is. I love Stephen King, Michael Connolly, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs and many others.

The Distance Between Us

The Distance Between Us - Kasie West This was a cute book that is a swift read. There isn't much to write home about. I think it had an interesting story line and the characters were fun, but even a an hour after reading it is already starting to fade from memory. It is worth the read, but for me, there was no wow factor.

This had me hooked from the start. I thought it had potential for a star crossed lover sort of book. Even with a small love triangle, it was easy to see who Caymen would choose. Really, the only thing I would have wanted to change was the depth of the story. The way her mother felt about rich people, to her father she never met, to the way she grew up could have played a bigger role to make it more memorable.

In the end, I still enjoyed it even if the ending felt too abrupt.