This is my second Motorcycle Club type book. I have to say, I enjoyed this much more than the first one I attempted. I found a lot of things wrong with the first book I tried to read. Even contemplated that maybe, just maybe, MC books aren't for me, even though I'm a fan of SOA. I was worried about this book ripping off SOA, like the first book I attempted. I was relieved and excited as the more I read, the more this did not resemble SOA in anyway except for the MC thing.
I was over the moon for this book. Not only because it didn't seem like a water downed version of the tv show, but it had a real plot, real characters and a story that wasn't half assed just to find a way to throw the two main characters together for tons of sex.
Sometimes I hate book that have tough issues. This had a few, concerning the brother and an old lady's man. Won't go into detail, but sometimes life sucks. This was a bit darker than I usually like, but for the novel to be real, it felt like this was necessary to keep it from being too happy go lucky. This book made me sad in bits, which I'm sure the author was going for, so while I hate feeling that way, I think it was done well without feeling like it was just there to throw readers for a loop. I'm just glad it had a happy ending to counter some of the sad stuff.