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I grew up reading books like The Babysitter Club and The Boxcar Kids. Now I read Romance, Young Adult, New Adult, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian and any mixture of these all depending on what my mood is. I love Stephen King, Michael Connolly, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs and many others.

At Any Price

At Any Price - Brenna Aubrey This is by far one of the best books I've read in the New Adult genre so far. I have read quite a few New Adult that took threw two characters together, wrote lots of sex, but forgot all about those pesky storylines that tend to be troublesome when the characters are not having sex. Ms. Aubrey, you have raised the bar for the genre with a perfectly told story.

Mia was a great character. I connected immediately. This girl is a blogger and a video game enthusiast. She's also a student, premed, who is struggling to pay for her schooling and to take care of her basic needs (as a ex college student, I know how bad that sucks). The highlight of her week is when her group gets together for game night. She has a best friend who truly cares for her and a mother who is her world. She's doing almost alright. What this girl and I have in common is the inability to ask for help. I felt her struggles as if they were my own.

So, the whole selling her virginity online. I had my doubts when I read the book description. Turns out, it was so much better than what I was thinking about. It was more than a story about a girl who wanted to show the world that she was worth more than the price tag they put on her. Mia's desperate attempt at trying to help out those she loves makes her go to extremes. She hides behind this manifesto, one she really does believe in, in order to her family. Mia's love runs deep and I enjoyed seeing it.

And the biggest reason to read? Adam Drake. Okay, so the whole who is Adam Drake was a bit predictable, but still charming. This guy! What a hottie! Not only is he hot, he also has the rags to riches story that will tug at the heart strings. He's a rich CEO, but he's more down to earth than Mia realizes at first. I loved the guy. He's a charmer. He charmed me from the very beginning.

If you are looking for a good New Adult book without the watered down story covered in sex, this is the book for you.