First off, the formatting on this for the kindle was obnoxious. I'm not taking that into the rating, but hopefully they will have an update for it.
This was cute. We've all had that guy or girl in high school we had major crushes on (mine turned out to be a huge loser. go figure) that we always had fantasies about getting together and they would finally know we exist. Well, it never happened for me, but hey, my guy didn't turn out to be a hot, caring, sweet guy like Cole.
Chance encounter. Ah, sometimes I just love these. Late to work, run to get coffee for the boss and bam! Meet cute! This one just happens to have coffee spilled all over the place. Still cute. And even better, that high school crush all of a sudden is more than aware of who Emma is. Lucky girl.
So Cole's family and Emma's family are friends. The Marlowe's (Cole's family) moved to the block when Emma was just 12. And ever since the families get together to hang out. Emma's mother usually holds a dinner on the weekends and still does long after high school is done. Watching Emma become flustered with Cole at these family dinners after being absent for a long time was fun to read.
The only thing I didn't care for was the secrecy part. Drove me nuts, to be honest. I rolled my eyes at the reasoning behind it. It was too juvenile, or at least it felt that way for me. But luckily, it all works out in the end.